Welcome to the online gallery of
paintings by
Chris Draper GAvA

Thankyou for taking the time to visit my online portfolio
Whether you are interested in architecture, aviation or painting in general I hope you find some images of interest. I have a deep passion for the subjects I paint and have attempted to demonstrate it in the following pages. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to commission an image or would simply like to find out more about my work.
Give me call on 01249 248557
or email

About me
I am an artist and Illustrator, and over my career have been fortunate to paint some of the most beautiful architectural projects, cities, aircraft and fascinating people. Although I work primarily in watercolour and gouache I also use Oil and Acrylics. My Architectural clients range from small practices to some of the largest firms in both the UK and USA. I initially trained as an Architect and have a passion for design both traditional and Modern and am a member of the Art Workers Guild. I am also passionate about aircraft and exhibit annually with the Guild of Aviation Artists of which I am a full member. When I get the chance I love to paint plien air subjects. I run a yearly architectural rendering workshop with the University of Notra Dame at their study in Rome.
Home Farm Cottage, Harts Lane,
Biddestone, Wiltshire, SN14 7DQ
07767 153689
01249 248557